November 10, 2020

Due to this crucial time new provincial restrictions were announced today by provincial leaders.  To help flatten the curve for our province more changes will be coming to Bethel Place.  Effective immediately the following restrictions will come into effect for programming and services until further notice:

  • All programming in the MPR and 5th floor meeting room will be suspended.
  • The following common spaces at Bethel Place will be temporarily closed:
  • Recreation Room
  • Multi-Purpose Room
  • Exercise Room
  • Library
  • MPR
  • Woodworking and
  • Sewing Room.
  • The following services will be suspended:
  • Hairdressing
  • Exercise Classes

We further regret to advise the provincial regulations includes all social contacts are to be reduced to your household only. Social gatherings are not permitted.  As a result, no social visiting will be permitted in Bethel’s common space and or lobbies.    However, please be mindful Bethel Place is permitting essential visitation.  Essential visits are necessary visits directly related to resident care needs. Essential visitors include a person performing essential support services e.g. food delivery, inspector, maintenance, or health care services.

SOI take-out delivery services, laboratory, banking, foot care and massage services will continue as essential services to Bethel Place within provincial protocols.

In conclusion, to help us during this transition Christine Wiebe, Resident Care Coordinator and Colleen Bergan, Program Coordinator will be contacting residents by telephone to help us stay connected as a community. Residents are also encouraged to regularly reach out by phone to family, friends or staff as a way of making connections.

These measures are all being taken to strive keep each other safe.  As a community we need to help flatten the curve once again. Together as a Bethel community we can do this.

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