December 21, 2020
As we come to the end of a difficult year we want to help each other to navigate the holidays safely for Bethel Place residents. We were all disappointed to hear that Critical Code Red has been extended until January 8th, 2021. As per the current regulations, there should be no gatherings or mixing of households this Christmas. Please see link below for further information on code red. Bethel Place recognizes it is painful for residents to be apart from loved ones. We all are being asked to follow the provincial health orders and stay home. As a result, it is going to be a very different Christmas for each of us. The current health orders permit someone who lives alone to have one other person into their residence. This does not include couples. Bethel Place residents who live alone may have their designated person visit. It is recommended when residents are choosing their designated visitor to choose the safest person in their family or an individual who has the least contact with public or perhaps retired. We also recommend residents ask their family to help them make their decision. As we move into the holidays, we need to take the above seriously and consider one another before choosing to willingly break the health order and to attend a gathering.
We wish each of you God’s blessings, safety and health this Christmas season. Peace to you and yours.
Link https://Province of Manitoba | Pandemic Response System (gov.mb.ca)
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