Vaccination Date at Bethel Place – April 1st


Bethel Place has been advised that the COVID Immunization Program is scheduled to come to Bethel Place on Thursday, April 1st, 2021 to immunize those residents who want a vaccine.  The clinic will be using the Pfizer vaccine to immunize.  Pfizer is also the type of vaccine being utilized in the personal care home COVID immunization program.   Resources are being coordinated to facilitate the program at Bethel Place.  Each resident will be provided information on the vaccine and a consent form.  Completed consent forms will be accepted at the Bethel Place office until Monday, March 29th, at noon.  Colleen Bergen, Interim Program Coordinator will be providing leadership to this BP program with the help of Christine Wiebe, Resident Care Coordinator.  If residents and/or family/caregivers have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact either Colleen Bergen or Christine Wiebe at the BP office 204-284-3762.

For updated information go to:



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