Spreading Love

Bethel Place residents felt love & cheer from local flower shop, Academy Florist, located at 925 Corydon Ave.  On February 4th, Academy Florist delivered bouquets of flowers for each apartment here at Bethel Place.  These beautiful, donated bouquets from Academy Florist brightened everyone’s day and reminded residents that they are a valued part of the community. On Friday, February 12th, residents received a little door side treat from staff at…

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December 15, 2020

Bethel Place continues to implement necessary measures under the direction of health and government authorities in keeping our communities safe and healthy. Provincial Health Orders are extended to January 8th, 2021 Gatherings at private residences are restricted to household only.  Exceptions to the no visitors rule include parents who do not live with their child, people providing child care and other services deemed essential (healthcare and deliveries).  Exceptions will also be…

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Visitors Update:  In response to Winnipeg moving to the Critical level red on the MB Pandemic Response System effective Monday, November 2nd, please be advised Bethel Place is permitting essential visitors only. Please be mindful essential visits are necessary visits directly related to resident care needs. Essential visitors include a person performing essential support services e.g. food delivery, inspector, maintenance, or health care services. All regular BP maintenance work in…

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Bethel Place News Update – June 22, 2020

 Restoring Safe Services Bethel Place continues to implement necessary measures under the direction of health and government authorities in keeping our communities safe and healthy.  As Manitobans have worked diligently on flattening the curve, the government of Manitoba is cautiously restoring safe services to its residents. Bethel Place has been following provincial guidelines and is pleased to be offering a number of services with safety protocols in place. Foot care…

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Bethel Place Needs YOU!

Our meal program is committed to providing affordable, delicious meals to our residents and surrounding community. Our volunteers have made this program possible to THRIVE! We are in search of 2 volunteers to operate the dishwasher on Fridays from 11am-1:30, and 1 volunteer mid-week. For more information, please call or email Audrey Sawatzky, Program Coordinator at Bethel Place: (204)284-2763 or bpprogram@shaw.ca Join our team!

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a “tip of the hat” for our volunteers

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month! We give a tip of that hat to our volunteers who show their willingness and dedication all year long at Bethel Place. Over 100 volunteers are active in their roles year round: dishwashers, servers, table setters, administrative support, board members, committee members and more positions are filled by willing and helpful volunteers. Volunteers range from students, to members of supporting churches, community members, and residents.…

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Bethel Place is Part of a Complete Breakfast!

Bethel Place will be hosting it’s annual Christmas Eve Brunch – and you are invited! Join us for a warm meal to fill your body, and cheer to fill your spirit. Monday, Dec. 24th Served from 10:30am-12:30pm Residents $8.50 Guests $10.25 (cash or cheque) Menu Cinnamon Buns Baked Ham Scrambled Eggs Hash browns Fresh Fruit Coffee & Tea For more information, please call Bethel Place at (204)284-3762.

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The Thrill of Hope

“Hope” is  commonly used to express personal interest or wishes: “I hope the weather holds”…or “We hope to see you soon”. While we want these things to happen, we don’t know for sure that they will, and “hope” begins to carry a meaning of uncertainty. The familiar hymn “O Holy Night” speaks about “a thrill of hope” Christ’s birth brought to earth. Israel was under the Roman Empire regime, weighed down…

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Seeking Supper Beverage Server

Bethel Place is currently seeking a beverage server to help with our meal program at the South Oak Inn. Beverage Servers: needed every Tuesday 4:00pm-approx 7:00pm make and serve tea, coffee, and water to SOI patrons This position requires volunteers to be on their feet for the duration of their shift. All volunteers receive on-site training, a meal each day they volunteer, and work as a part of a great team! Community members are…

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Easter Greetings

Easter is a season of newness, anticipated change, embracing a fresh spring breeze. For many, Easter is a celebration of death and resurrection. For others it’s a time to gather together – celebrating with egg hunts, a shared meal, or searching for the first buds of spring. As we celebrate Easter, embrace the season of new beginnings and life.

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